Anna Mkhikian, Author at Yes On 4

Here’s why Central Valley farmers should champion this California climate proposition | Opinion

If California voters pass Proposition 4, we can secure a sustainable, prosperous future for our state’s agriculture sector while safeguarding the natural resources we all depend on. I’m calling on farmers to lead the way in this effort, ensuring that both the land and the livelihoods we support are protected for generations to come.

Read More from Here’s why Central Valley farmers should champion this California climate proposition | Opinion

LA Times Endorsement: Yes on Proposition 4. California can’t wait to invest in climate resilience

Proposition 4 will help California be proactive in the face of this slow-building disaster, investing now to protect communities from climate impacts that are worsening as global warming accelerates. And there is no question that the vast majority of the spending in this wide-ranging package is necessary and valuable.

Read More from LA Times Endorsement: Yes on Proposition 4. California can’t wait to invest in climate resilience

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