Prop 4 Investments in Clean Drinking Water, Shoring Up Water Infrastructure and Boosting Supplies Earns Endorsements from California’s Biggest Water Districts & Agencies - Yes On 4

Prop 4 Investments in Clean Drinking Water, Shoring Up Water Infrastructure and Boosting Supplies Earns Endorsements from California’s Biggest Water Districts & Agencies


Support Comes as California Faces Drier and Hotter Seasons that Drive Crippling Drought and Nearly a Million Residents Go Without Clean Drinking Water Every Day


Sacramento, CA – Water districts and water agencies serving more than half the state’s population are lining up to support Yes on Prop 4, a bond measure appearing on the November ballot that would make historic investments in the state’s water infrastructure:

  • Provide clean drinking water
  • Upgrade vital water infrastructure
  • Fix crumbling dams and levees
  • Restore groundwater supplies.

As California faces a changing climate, more frequent droughts, crumbling infrastructure, and water pollution – our supplies are under increasing pressure. A recent state study found that a changing climate could reduce key water deliveries through the State Water Project, which serves 27 million Californians, by more than 20% in the years ahead. Yes on 4 addresses these water supply challenges and takes important steps to clean our water and safeguard it from pollution.

“Prop 4 offers a significant opportunity for the people of Santa Clara County, providing funding for Valley Water to make progress on our mission to provide safe, clean water for a healthy life, environment, and economy,” said Nai Hsueh, Chair of the Valley Water Board of Directors. “Voting Yes on Prop 4 means improving water quality, promoting water conservation and recycling, and protecting our communities from increased threats of flooding as we grapple with climate change. The Valley Water Board of Directors says Yes on Prop 4!” 

“California Water Efficiency Partnership says Yes on Prop 4 to maximize urban water efficiency and conservation throughout California. Knowing that climate change will intensify California’s drought cycles, it’s critical that we act now to make our water systems more efficient. Prop 4 investment is a smart and vital investment in our future,” said Tia Fleming, Co-Executive Director of California Water Efficiency Partnership.  

“A changing climate that brings extreme weather including more frequent droughts and floods poses the greatest threat to California’s water supplies,” said Jim Peifer, Executive Director, Regional Water Authority. “A warming climate could reduce the state’s water supply by up to 10 percent by 2040 – that’s a loss of 6 million to 9 million acre-feet annually, nearly as much as all the water used by cities across the state each year. Regional Water Authority says Prop 4 will help to align water management with natural hydrology, helping to ensure that we can store water when it’s abundant, for use when it’s scarce.”

“We have all experienced recent weather extremes – from record-setting dry conditions to intense flooding. The California Municipal Utilities Association says Yes on Prop 4,” said Danielle Blacet-Hyden, Deputy Executive Director for CMUA. “We support big and bold investments to ensure the long-term resiliency of our water supply.”

The following water organizations were the first to endorse Yes on Prop 4, as endorsements from others continue to roll in: 

  • Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
  • Regional Water Authority
  • San Diego County Water Authority
  • Irvine Ranch Water District
  • Coachella Valley Water District
  • Santa Clara Valley Water District
  • California Water Association
  • California Water Efficiency Partnership
  • California Municipal Utilities Association
  • Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
  • West Basin Municipal Water District
  • California Water Reuse Association
  • California Water Service


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